A Rebor Gorilla Z Alpha Male Mountain Gorilla Primal replica. A beautiful model of a gorilla by Rebor. The Rebor Gorilla Z Alpha Male Mountain Gorilla (Primal) figure makes a wonderful “King Kong” to battle the Rebor Tyrannosaurus rex models.
This new Gorilla Primal model have to be in your collection of Rebor figures!
Rebor sorprise us with this model disign inspired in the King Kong movie from Peter Jackson in 2005!
We have for you this Gorilla Primal from the "Gorilla Z" series. this came in white color.
Scale 1:11
A Rebor Gorilla Z Alpha Male Mountain Gorilla Primal replica. A beautiful model of a gorilla by Rebor. The Rebor Gorilla Z Alpha Male Mountain Gorilla (Primal) figure makes a wonderful “King Kong” to battle the Rebor Tyrannosaurus rex models.
A Rebor Gorilla Z Alpha Male Mountain Gorilla Primal replica. A beautiful model of a gorilla by Rebor. The Rebor Gorilla Z Alpha Male Mountain Gorilla (Primal) figure makes a wonderful “King Kong” to battle the Rebor Tyrannosaurus rex models.