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Jurassic Park The Lost World Dino Tracker Set

Comments: Scutosaurus, Estemmenosuchus, Dinosaur tracker figure and accessories.

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This set comes with two different prehistoric creatures (not dinosaurs!), Each with its own distinctive paint job, dinosaur damage, attack action, and capture gear. Also, it comes with two sets of weapons, a Ball Launcher and a Net Launcher (the Aerial Net Trap). Lastly, a dinosaur tracker figure completes the ensemble.

Scutosaurus assumes a walking stance, with its left hind leg and right front leg moved back and its other legs raised in a forward motion. It is reminiscent of a toad, with warts all over its body, a very short tail, a large, plump body, and a rather grumpy-looking face. Its predominant color is green, which is found throughout the sculpture, except its lower part (belly, lower part of the tail, throat, part of the lower jaw and fangs), which is all beige. The green is not the same shade as there are various shades of darker and lighter green mixed in. On its back, the green is almost brown even, while on its flanks it is a much brighter green. The animal has yellow eyes and two large white fangs or teeth that protrude from its lower jaw. Its claws are not painted. Most notably, it doesn't have a JP or TLW logo anywhere on its body, which can cause some confusion among non-JP toy experts; However, it is definitely one.

Scuto comes with a header attack action. Pulling its right hind leg back causes the head to lift upward and turn violently backward, as if the creature is attacking an enemy with its fangs. Additionally, on its right flank, part of its skin can be removed, revealing a dinosaur damage wound showing white ribs (although there is no muscle tissue, as the Scuto's blood is also green). This figure comes with three pieces of catch gear, all painted shiny metallic silver: a typical hand cuff to attach either of his limbs, a leg clamp that is supposed to attach to his right legs so that the animal cannot use its head butt action and a head mask, keeping people safe from its fangs. There is no creature action that breaks without restrictions.

The second beast that contains this set is called Estemmenosuchus. It is without a doubt one of the strangest JP toys ever produced (if not one of the strangest animals to ever walk the earth). It has a fairly wide and thick body, with four small legs and a small protruding tail. Its head is adorned with several strange bumps: two large ridges protruding from its cheeks, a small white horn on its muzzle, a row of bumps that run down its forehead, and two pairs of horns in a symmetrical pattern on top of its head. It has small yellow eyes. Its mouth is open (and cannot be closed), showing large white teeth, two on the lower jaw, five on the upper jaw. It also has a small pink tongue that sticks out. The animal sports a kind of copper metal all over its body, colored in a dark gray paint job with bluish gray lines that cover it in a kind of "net" pattern. It does not have a different paint job on its underside, like most JP figures.

Estemmenosuchus is in a largely neutral posture, except for the tail, which is bent to the right. His head is also turned to the right, but this is due to the attacking action this figure presents. Pulling the right hind leg back causes the creature to turn its head to the left, as if it were head-butting some invisible enemy. Like the Scutosaurus, it wears a removable dinosaur damage skin patch, in this case located on the back of the creature. When removed, white bones and tissues are discovered, again with no red mixed in. Another thing that Estemmeno and Scuto have in common is the three pieces of capture equipment with the same functions. Estemmenosuchus also comes with a hand cuff that can go over either of its legs, a piece of leg restraints that makes attacking action difficult, and a mask to prevent its head from hurting people. And like Scuto, Estemmeno doesn't feature a JP logo anywhere on his body, making it difficult for a layman to classify.

The dinosaur tracker figure is in a totally neutral position. He wears a blue sweater with mixed green pieces and a beige shirt underneath. On the left side of his chest, he wears a JP logo badge (not JP: Site B logo, which reveals this figure's status as a new paint). He also wears dark green pants with pockets and strange TV screen ornamentation, green boots, bright green gloves (including a large one with a "harness" on the left forearm), and a walkie-talkie on the back. He has a very bright pink / beige color to his head, which makes him look sick compared to other human figures. His eyebrows and hair are brown, and he wears a dark green cap on his head with a yellow T-Rex JP logo on the back. The figure has no action characteristics of its own.

Comments: Scutosaurus, Estemmenosuchus, Dinosaur tracker figure and accessories.

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