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Jurassic Park The Lost World Electronic Spinosaurus

Action feature: Code name: "Slice". Push arm down for Ferocious Roar.

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This medium sized bipedal carnivore sports an elaborate paint job, which basically consists of four layers. The lowest layer is found on the underside (throat, belly, lower tail, sides of the limbs) of the figure, and is dark blue. Secondly, a light blue tone, almost white, covers most of the arms and legs, as well as parts of the flanks and head. It gradually shifts in the third, most noticeable colour, a bright green, which is found on most of the flanks and head, middle part of the tail, and in three stripes on the sail. Last, a dark purple paint job covers the back of the head, upper part of the legs and tail, and the whole back of the creature. Additionally, purple spots are seen on the animal’s head, flanks, upper legs and tail. Finally, the same shade of purple adorns the sail in three stripes as well as three rows of small spots on each side of the sail. A black JP: Site B logo is found on the upper left leg, with the number .39 next to it. The claws are not painted in a d ifferent paint job, unfortunately.

The creature assumes a walking stance, with the right leg posed in a backward move. This position causes problems: the sculpt can’t stand on its own accord (despite its large flat feet) and must lean on something to stand up. This dinosaur features an attack action: pull the left arm down so the mouth will open, revealing a snake like scarlet tongue, as well as a not very impressive set of teeth. This also produces a roar, which is relatively high pitched, at least more than you might expect of a carnosaur like this.

Action feature: Code name: "Slice". Push arm down for Ferocious Roar.

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