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Jurassic Park The Lost World Electronic Chasmasaurus

Action feature: Code name: "Plate Face". Pull leg back for Terrifying Cry! 

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This smaller species of Ceratopsian sports the typical four legged body with huge horned and plated head. The animal has a body resembling that of a rhinoceros: a heavy, muscled body and a short tail, walking on all fours. Its very large head ends in a huge plate (hence the code name ‘plate face’), though unlike his famous cousin Triceratops this dinosaur’s plate doesn’t have a round quality to it, but feels more square, adorned with horned protrusions along the edge of the plate and three rows of knobs running down it on the front side. The creature has a large parrot like beak, with one small horn on the nose and two more above its small eyes. Additionally, a smaller horn is found on each cheek. Its plate ends in a pair of horns on each side. The creature stands in an almost neutral pose, except for the tail which is bent somewhat to the left, and its right front leg being raised slightly upwards as if taking a step.

This sculpt doesn’t sport an elaborate paint job. It’s mostly beige, including its legs and most of the head. Its throat, belly and lower part of the tail are coloured brownish orange, while its back and upper part of the tail, as well as the middle part of the head and the knobs on the plate are painted black. Its claws, five on the front feet and four on its hind feet are white, as are the horns on the head and the top horns of the plate (though strangely enough not the knobs on the sides of the plate). A black JP: Site B logo can be found on its upper left hind leg, with the number .21 next to it.

This animal is electronic and has a dino attack action with accompanying sounds. Pulling the left hind leg backwards makes the head move upwards, as if striking a blow with it. This also causes mooing sounds to be heard, similar to the sounds of cows, as if the Chasmosaurus is warning its herd of danger.

Action feature: Code name: "Plate Face". Pull leg back for Terrifying Cry! 

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